Life of Buddha
Buddhist Tour
Hirapur Temple Tour

A home to 64 Yogini or Mahamaya temple, Hirapur is situated on the outskirts(15 kilometer southeast) of Bhubaneshwar, Orissa's capital. The 64 yogini temple, which is also known as the Mahamaya temple, marks the mystic character of the female deities. The temple, which reflects the role of feminine power in the religious practices of Orissa, has the chief female deity, Mahamaya wrapped up in red clothes and vermilion, while the others in skirts held by an ornate girdle worn low on the hips. All the 64 yoginis have been depicted wearing necklaces, garlands, armlets, bangles, anklets, earrings and other ornaments. Like wise, some of the Yoginis of the temple have also been portrayed as huntresses with bows and arrows, whereas others balancing on a pair of wheels, or playing a drum. These deities of the smallest yogini temple in India are still worshipped by the locals of Hirapur.
Temple's Architecture
The Yogini temple of Hirapur, that was built by Bhauma and Somavamsi rulers of Orissa in the 9th century CE, reflects an exceptional architectural and sculptural style of the temple. The ecclesiastical structure stands 8 feet high, with its diameter being 30 feet and circular wall 2 meters high. The Yoginis in the temple have been carved out of fine-grained gray chlorite. The inner walls of the temple, which have 64 niches with 60 yoginis in place are further combined by 8 niches in the newly constructed small central pavilion. Four of the eight niches have images of the remaining 4 yogins, while the rest niches comprises the Lord Shiva's images. The faces of the yoginis further have been carved with bearing a gentle smile.
Location and Accessibility
Hirapur, which is situated at a distance of 15 kilometers from Bhubaneshwar, is easily accessible by air, rail and road. Bhubaneshwar is connected to other cities such as Calcutta, Delhi, Chennai, Mumbai and others with regular flights. Bhubaneshwar is also connected by railways to other major Indian cities directly. The roadways further links it with Chilka, Cuttack, Konark, Paradip, Puri, Rourkela, Sambalpur and other places. From Bhubaneshwar, Hirapur can be reached by road.